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EP 56 - Summer Fate (Pt 3)

All My Children - Episode 56

Written By: Casey Hutchison

Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes

Directed By: Cynthia J. Popp


LILY: We have already made three million dollars!


KEVIN: You think I am drinking again?


Opal walks over and embraces her son.

OPAL: (sniffles) You are my Petey. My Petey.


MADISON: Where are our husbands?

LIZA: Good question.


(Joshua’s Car Explodes)



The same night is still upon Pine Valley. At the Pine Valley Hospital, Liza and Madison walk off of the elevator. They go straight for the front desk. Both women appear to be upset.

LIZA: H...hi, my name is Liza Cortlandt.

MADISON: I’m Madison Chandler.

LIZA: Our husbands were involved in a car accident.

RECEPTIONIST: Mrs. Cortlandt, Mrs. Chandler, can you tell me their names.

Before Liza and Madison can tell the receptionist the names, Angie walks up to them. They turn back, upon hearing footsteps.

LIZA: Angie, thank God.

Angie hugs Liza, then Madison.

MADISON: Angie, please tell us. What is wrong with our husbands.

ANGIE: I am only caring for Scott. Liza, Cara is caring for Caleb.

LIZA: Okay. Where is she?

ANGIE: With the other surgeons, in the OR.

LIZA: Surgeons? I don’t understand…

ANGIE: Let me call OR 1, and I will see what I can do. First, Madison. Scott is in surgery as well. I had another surgeon take over. As far as I know, he is stable.

MADISON: (crying) Thank goodness.


In OR 1, Cara is working on Caleb.

CARA: I need more suction. Dammit!

SCRUB NURSE: What is it, doctor?

CARA: The shards of glass have gone further down. If I don’t get these damn shards out, then he won’t survive.


Across the hospital, in OR 2, a man’s face is being covered in a white sheet. This signals that he has passed. But, it is not made clear who it is. However, there are two people who are being wheeled to the morgue.


At the Chandler Mansion, Colby is in her room, packing her things into boxes and suitcases. As she continues to pack, Asher enters.


COLBY: What are you doing here? Who let you in?

ASHER: The maid let me in. And, I am here, because we need to talk.

COLBY: As you can see, I don’t have time for that.

ASHER: Why not?

COLBY: Because, I am leaving Pine Valley.


COLBY: My father made me the CEO of Chandler International. I accepted.

ASHER: Then, I am coming with you.


At the Pine Valley Inn Ballroom, the fundraiser continues. Adam and Brooke walk up to Marian and Stuart.

BROOKE: Hello, everyone.


STUART: Hello.

MARIAN: So, this is odd. What has brought you two together for tonight?

ADAM: We actually have something to tell you.

STUART: Well, we have something to tell you.

BROOKE: Now I’m interested.

MARIAN: Why don’t you two start. What’s the news?

ADAM: I’m ready to have the surgery. What is your news?

MARIAN: We are getting married, tomorrow.

Across the ballroom, Kevin walks up to Krystal and David.

DAVID: Why the face?

KRYSTAL: Yeah, JR, how could you be angry on a night like this?

KEVIN: Because, someone is getting suspicious.


Outside in the courtyard, Tad walks up to a crying Opal.

TAD: Mom…

OPAL: (wiping tears) Oh, Tad. Baby.

Opal embraces Tad.

TAD: Mom, what’s going on?

OPAL: My whole world has come crashing down.


Back at Pine Valley Memorial, Joe walks into the conference room. He takes out his cell phone, and scrolls through the numbers. He clicks one, and puts it up to his ear.

JOE: It’s me. Joe. I need you to come to the hospital, right away. Something terrible has happened. You need to be here.

Meanwhile, in the waiting room, Madison and Liza are pacing.

MADISON: (sighs) How did this happen?

LIZA: I don’t know.

MADISON: I mean, could it have been a drunk driver?

LIZA: It very well good have been. I’m just too worried about my husband to think about who caused that scene. Madison, it pains me to say this. We saw those crash scene photos. I just don’t see anyone surviving that.

MADISON: You can’t be serious. They have to survive. Liza, those two men are our worlds. They are our everything's. They have to survive.


Back in OR 1, Cara is still having a difficult time retrieving all of the glass.

NURSE: Doctor Castillo, that was the nurse's station again. They truly want you to have someone else take over, so you can give an update.

CARA: I don’t want to be rude, but this man could die very easily. I am not about to have a terrible intern takeover.

INTERN: Pressures dropping.

CARA: I know that!

INTERN: We need to grab the paddles, or else he won’t make it!

CARA: Fine. Paddles. Charge to 16 jewels.

NURSE: Clear!

INTERN: Pressure is dropping still.

CARA: Charge again!

NURSE: Clear!

INTERN: Pressure is not rising.

CARA: Enough. Start CPR. Bag him.

Cara begins CPR.

CARA: Come on, Caleb! Dammit! Don’t you die! Come on! 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3. 1, 2, 3.

NURSE: He’s gone, Dr. Castillo.


NURSE: Dr. Castillo! He is gone!

CARA: (sobs) NO!

NURSE: You need to call it! Time of death, 23:25.


Back at the Chandler Mansion, Colby puts a box on top of another.

COLBY: You are not coming with me.

ASHER: Why can’t I?

COLBY: Look, I am starting my life over. That means getting away from everything Pine Valley. That means getting away from you.

ASHER: Colby…

COLBY: You left me! (sobs) You left me! And, I hate that every time you see me, you want us to get together. It does not work that way. You packed your bags, and left me here. That was symbolic for me, Asher. It meant you didn’t care anymore. So, stop trying to fight for something that was never there.

ASHER: We were good together, Colby. We had it all.

COLBY: Had. Past tense.

ASHER: I still want an us.

COLBY: There is no us! There is me, myself, and I. Get that through your head! Leave me alone! I don’t love you! I don’t want you! I have moved on, so why can’t you?!

ASHER: Because of this!

Asher kisses Colby. Colby is caught off guard, but the two look at one another in silence for a minute. Colby chooses love with Asher. She continues to kiss him, as they walk over to Colby’s bed.


Back at the Pine Valley Inn Ballroom, Stuart, Brooke, Marian, and Adam all walk over to a table, and sit down.

MARIAN: I truly can’t believe this.

BROOKE: That things are finally happening.

ADAM: You can say that.

STUART: (laughs) I knew 2016 would be a Chandler year.

BROOKE: Yes, it is.

MARIAN: So, I want to propose a toast.

They all pick up a glass of champagne.

MARIAN: For decades, the Chandler’s have fought and fought for happiness. Sometimes, we lose that battle. Other times, we win. This time, we are walking away proud winner. Here is too the Chandler family.

BROOKE: (laughs) I will drink to that.

ADAM: Same here.

They all four clink their glasses.

STUART: To the Chandler’s.

ADAM: Well put.

Across the ballroom, David down a glass of scotch.

KRYSTAL: What do you mean people are getting suspicious?

DAVID: I would like to know that to.

KEVIN: Dixie, my “mother” thinks her precious JR is drinking again. She thinks that, because I have been acting off.

DAVID: I told you to be careful to where you step.

KEVIN: I’m doing a fine job.

KRYSTAL: I don’t care about how fine the job you are doing. I want to know, what do we do next, in terms of the plan?

DAVID: Kevin’s first day as Chandler CEO is in two weeks. We need to bring that company to our names faster than we imagined.


Outside in the courtyard, Tad and Opal are sitting.

TAD: Mom, what is going on? Why is Petey mad at you?

OPAL: Because of the secret.

TAD: What secret?

OPAL: Tad, I have another child named Diane.

TAD: Oh my god. Mom…

Tad comforts his mother, instead of letting his emotions out. He can already see that Peter did not favor this secret.



Back at Pine Valley Hospital, Erica is there with Jackson.

Joe delivers news to them, that Joshua passed away.

Erica becomes absolutely devastated, and breaks down in Jackson’s arms.


Liza and Madison are told that both Scott and Caleb have passed away. This causes quite the stir for the two women. They both are outraged and upset, and breakdown.


Colby and Asher are making love to one another. They are under the covers, naked, and kissing all over one another.


Tad continues to comfort Opal, as she cries in his lap.


Dixie watches from a distance as Kevin talks to David, and Krystal. Kevin looks over, as he knows that Dixie is wondering about the conversation.

At the Chandler table, the Chandler family is loving their night.

ERICA: (narration) Life comes in doses. Those doses can be big. They can be small. When the big ones come along, it is important to lean on someone who is near. When they are small, it is important to savour life. Because, you never know what could happen next.

The camera does an aerial shot of the ballroom.

***FADE OUT***

***END OF EP. 56***

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