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EP 41 - The Longest Night Pt. 3 (Monday's Episode)

All My Children - Episode 41

Created By: Agnes Nixon

Executive Producer: Dawn Hayes

Directed By: Susan Simon


& Michael B Jordan as Reggie

The rain seems to be getting harder and harder, as Pine Valley gets more into a long night. At Krystal’s Home, Krystal and David are having wine, and looking over their past.

DAVID: Krystal, I’m sorry that I hurt you. Not bringing back Babe…

KRYSTAL: Please don’t. I don’t want to discuss that. I forgive you for that. I am still going to keep your Kevin secret.

DAVID: Thank you. (sighs) I wish we would have lasted longer.

David and Krystal smile slightly at one another.

KRYSTAL: I wish we would have too. But, other things just got in the way.



DAVID: I still love you. I always will.

KRYSTAL: I don’t think our love for one another ever went away.

DAVID: I don’t think either.

Krystal goes to pour David another glass, but the bottle is empty.

KRYSTAL: Dead soldier so to speak.

David lets out a slight laugh. The two look at one another with smiles, as passion begins to overtake them. They then kiss passionately.

KRYSTAL: What are we doing?

DAVID: I don’t know.

Krystal and David continue to kiss, however. They begin to undress one another.


At Erica’s Penthouse, Erica has fallen asleep on the couch. She then goes into a deep sleep, as she begins to dream about the night she was shot.


Erica and Jackson walk in, as the guest are toasting.

ADAM: To Pine Valley.

ERICA: Jack, wait! I said I love you! I said come with me!

JACKSON: (collecting his coat) Frankly Erica, I don’t give a damn what you need.

Jackson begins to walk out. Opal walks up to Erica.

OPAL: Well now you’ve done it.

ERICA: I have to go and get him. If it’s the last thing I do.

Erica goes after Jackson, as JR fires his gun.


Erica wakes up from her dream covered in sweat and breathless, as a knock ensues on the other side. Erica collects herself, and goes to answer the door.

ERICA: (seeing that it is Jackson) Oh thank God.

Erica embraces Jackson, while he is caught off guard.


At the Chandler Mansion, Miguel and Adam are in the living room. Adam is trying to uncover why Miguel shows up now.

ADAM: So, you couldn’t bother to donate bone marrow to save JR’s life. So, what brings you by now? I can’t wait to hear this.

MIGUEL: Since I was your illegitimate child, I felt as though I never got a chance to really show my true colors as a Chandler man.

ADAM: What are you saying Miguel?

MIGUEL: I am here to claim what is rightfully mine.

ADAM: Starting with what?

MIGUEL: Starting with you.

Adam is in confusion.

ADAM: What do you mean?

MIGUEL: I’m here to take care of you.



At Ryan and Greenlee’s Apartment, Greenlee sets down her cup of tea, as there is a knock on the door. She goes to answer.

GREENLEE: Oh my god. (laughs) What are you doing here?!

Greenlee embraces the man at the door.

REGGIE: I’m here for you, sis.


At Bianca’s Hotel Room, Bianca is on the phone.

BIANCA: Be home by twelve, honey.

MIRANDA: (on the phone) Alright mom. No problem. Love you.

BIANCA: Love you too. Bye.

Just as Bianca is about to ready to go to the bathroom to brush her teeth for bed, there is a knock at the door. She goes to answer.

BIANCA: Who in the world could this be?

She opens the door, and is immediately happy.

BIANCA: Uncle Mark!

MARK: Hi, Binx!

Bianca and Mark embrace.


At Pine Valley Hospital, Cara and Griffin enter the locker room.

CARA: What a surgery that was.

GRIFFIN: I have never seen a tumor of that size.

CARA: Me neither. I’m actually glad that I could tear you away. I have some news that I have to share with you, and I don’t think that you are going to like it.

GRIFFIN: Same here.

CARA: What? You go first.

GRIFFIN: I am leaving Pine Valley.

CARA: I told David I loved him.

GRIFFIN & CARA: What did you just say?


Back at Krystal’s Home, Krystal and David are wrapped up in a blanket on the floor, as a fire is blazing, and there are two empty wine glasses.

KRYSTAL: What did we just do?

DAVID: I believe the kids call it a hook up.

KRYSTAL: (laughs) That is what we are calling it?

DAVID: (sighs) I don’t know what to say.

KRYSTAL: Me neither.

Then, David’s phone rings.

DAVID: Saved by the ring.

David answers his phone.

DAVID: David Hayward. He what? Alright thanks.

David comes out from the covers, upon hanging up his phone. He begins to get dressed. Krystal sits up wondering what is going on.

KRYSTAL: David, what is it?


KRYSTAL: What about JR?

DAVID: He knows the reason as to why he has been kidnapped.

KRYSTAL: You haven’t told him, yet?

DAVID: I was planning to tell JR in a month. We are way beyond schedule.

KRYSTAL: What does this mean?

DAVID: It means that I have to tell JR that I am the one who kidnapped him, and replaced him with a complete look alike.

KRYSTAL: Kevin hasn’t even been introduced into this town yet.

DAVID: I know. That means I am going to have to work just as hard to make sure that I can keep JR held in captivity. I gotta go.

KRYSTAL: I understand.

David hurries up to the door.

DAVID: Oh, and Krystal.


DAVID: We aren’t finished here.

David exits.

KRYSTAL: (sighs) No. No we are not.


Back at Ryan and Greenlee’s Apartment, Reggie enters, as Greenlee shuts the door, and turns to him. The two go to the couch.

GREENLEE: So, when did you get here?

REGGIE: Yesterday. I wanted to rest up, before I saw you.

GREENLEE: So, why did you decide to come?

REGGIE: Well, I have been hearing of the hard time you have been having. Dad told me, and he paid for me to come and see you.

GREENLEE: Gosh, I love that man.….yeah, I have been having a hard time. Losing a baby was the worst pain I have ever felt in this whole world.

REGGIE: I am so sorry that happened.

GREENLEE: (wiping away a tear) I am trying to work through it. Get back into the life I once had, before Annie came to wreck it.

REGGIE: I just can’t believe she did that to you.

GREENLEE: I can’t either. I knew Annie was crazy. I just didn’t think that crazy.

REGGIE: You did not deserve for that to happen to you. You are a strong and beautiful woman, and I am so proud that you are learning to live again.

GREENLEE: I am. I really am. The hardest part was getting rid of those clothes. I was six months along. Six months. I was so close, and we had bought so many things. But, we had to get rid of them. It took me awhile. I didn’t want to get rid of them. But, for the sake of living a healthy life, once again, I had to.

REGGIE: Do you think that you will ever try again?

GREENLEE: I don’t know. I really don’t. Part of me wants a baby, part of me is not sure what to do. I just don’t know.

REGGIE: Come here.

Reggie embraces Greenlee, as she begins to lightly sob.


Back at Erica’s Penthouse, Erica and Jackson come off of the hug, as Jackson enters. Erica shuts the door.

JACKSON: That was quite the hello.

ERICA: Sorry. I was just uh…

JACKSON: Happy to see me?

ERICA: Yeah. So what brings you by?

JACKSON: I wanted to talk.

ERICA: About what?

JACKSON: Getting back together.


Back At Pine Valley Hospital, in the hospital locker room, Cara and Griffin have finished changing their clothes.

CARA: Alright, so we are changed and all that stuff. Now, we can talk.

GRIFFIN: I guess we can.

CARA: So, let me get this straight. Frankie, convinced you to come out to Iraq to help with doctors without borders, and you agreed?

GRIFFIN: Yes, I did.

CARA: Are you sure that is a good idea?

GRIFFIN: Of course I do. Last night, I was thinking before I went to bed. What is left here for me in Pine Valley? What else do I need to do? Nothing.

CARA: Not true. I need you. Oliver loves you more than his action figures. More importantly, this hospital needs you. You are an outstanding doctor.

GRIFFIN: Thanks, but I am needed somewhere else. In a way, I am helping more lives in Iraq, then I am here.

CARA: Griff, you are a great doctor anywhere. I am just saying that you have been unbelievable here. You really have. Look how much your rocked that tumor surgery. You took over, like a boss.

GRIFFIN: Well, thanks for these compliments. If I would have known that i was going to be held up like this by you, then I would have left years ago.

CARA: (laughs) Shut up.

Griffin laughs back.

GRIFFIN: So, we have gotten through me. Let’s talk about you. Why did you tell David that you loved him, and that you wanted him back?

CARA: Frankly, I think I said it because of Oliver. I mean, I kept bringing up the fact that he is growing up. I think I was more focused on that, then actually finding my true feelings.

GRIFFIN: Do you think it was wise to do that?

CARA: I don’t know anymore.

GRIFFIN: I want you to do what you think is right. I won’t even put up a fight. Yeah, I don’t like Hayward. But, if you want to get involved with him, again then I know you will do what you think is right for you, and your child.

CARA: What am I going to do without you?

GRIFFIN: You will find a way to manage.

Cara goes over to hug David.

CARA: I’m gonna miss you.

GRIFFIN: I’m gonna miss you too.


Back at Bianca’s Hotel Room, Bianca and Mark are sitting on the sofa.

BIANCA: I cannot tell you how happy I am to see you.

MARK: I had to come here. When I read about Marissa’s passing, I knew that I had to give comfort to you.

BIANCA: Well, thanks. That means a lot, Uncle Mark.

MARK: I have missed seeing your face so much. And, now more than ever, was a time to visit. I hope you know that we can talk about anything.

BIANCA: I know.

MARK: Do you want to talk about it?

BIANCA: If it is okay with you, I would just like to sit here with you, and listen to the rain. Is that okay with you, Uncle Mark?

MARK: Of course.

Bianca curls up with Mark, and the two sit in silence.


Back at Chandler Mansion, Adam refills his scotch.

ADAM: You want to take care of me?


ADAM: So, it took me dying for you to sure up.

MIGUEL: Listen…

ADAM: No, you listen! I know why you are here. Gosh, you are so transparent. I saw what you wanted from the moment you walked in that door. You don’t want to take care of me. You want to kiss ass. Now that I am dying, you know that a battle for a new CEO of Chandler Enterprises is on. And, you want one foot in the door. How does that work for the truth?

Adam lightly sips his scotch.

***FADE OUT***

***END OF EP 41***

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